Help for Viewers


Q: Can I remain anonymous as a subscriber?

Yes you can. We only request your:

  • Mobile number (for SMS 2FA verification), and notifications if you have your mobile number selected for that purpose
  • Email address (for notifications)
  • Your location (city)

as a mandatory information requirement during the registration process.

Q: Will Advertisers see my identity?

No. During the registration process, you create a user name (optional) and you logon using your email address. Your Account details are never displayed to any other User. Any communication between Users only shows the Member Number, unless the User enables their name to be displayed in any communications.

Q: How much control will I have?

You have total control over every aspect of your Subscription. You can enable and disable every feature available to you, including your Subscription. It is your choice.

Q: What features can I control?

In your Dashboard you will have access to the Viewer features. Some features are enabled by default which include:

  • Legbox. You can flag your favourite Advertiser to be added to your Legbox
  • Write reviews
  • Receive A-Alert notifications (email is enabled by default)
  • Participate in direct chatting with an Advertiser (if the Advertiser has this feature enabled)

Optional features that you can enable include:

  • What are your interests? (This will help us refine your Advertiser Home Page landing)
  • Display my name in communications (whatever name you have set up in your Account details, which can be a fictitious name, like “Longman10")
  • Password expiry (default is set to “Never”)
  • Browser expiry (default is set to "Never")
  • Advertiser notes (record your experience with an Advertiser "Notebox")
  • A-Alert notifications (how you are notified for any alert, by email or text or both)
  • Upload your Avatar (Display your personal image or any image with your Account summary)

Q: What will happen if I leave the Website open on my browser and I walk away?

If you are registered as a Viewer and logged on, and you walk away from your browser and there is no activity for the set time, if you have your preferences for this feature enabled, the Website will close and load “Google” home page after the set time has expired.


Q: Are there any benefits to me as as Registered Viewer?

Absolutely. As a registered Viewer you receive a number of benefits, all of which are free. You pay no Fees to access any of the Services provided to you as a Viewer. Benefits include:

Features Registered Unregistered Comments


View all of the Advertisers on the Website


Participate in direct chatting with Advertisers (provided they have enabled this feature)
Favorites Flag your favorite Escorts while searching and then view your shortlist
Legbox Select your favorite Escorts by adding them to your Legbox. View your Legbox anytime
Message Send a message to an Escort (provided they have enabled this feature)
My Playbox Access to all Playbox material uploaded by Escorts
Notebox Make notes about your experience with an Escort
Notifications Receive A-Alerts from Advertisers when they are visiting your location
Rating Rate your experience with an Escort so you will remember for next time
Recommendation Share your experiences and publish a recommendation [thumb icon up] or [thumb icon down]
Reviews Write a review about your experience with an Escort
Security Our Website is a secure environment so that we can maintain your anonymity
Marketing and Third Party Advertisers

Q: Will my email address or mobile number be passed onto third parties?

Absolutely not. Your identity will remain absolutely confidential. We do not on-sell any data about Users. Escorts4U works hard to ensure your privacy, and does not promote any advertising, marketing or third party approaches on the Website. We do not even permit competitor platforms to advertise on the Website. Profiles are not permitted to advertise any third party promoters or marketing material, not even “Only Fans” or any similar websites for example.

To the greatest extent possible, the Website is coded to limit or prohibit ‘big tech’ from crawling over your information while logged on.

Q: Can Advertisers market to me?

No. Unless you enable the "Alert" feature with a favourite Advertiser, and they choose to use the feature, you will not receive any material or notifications.

How can I see an Escort's Playbox?

Whenever an Escort posts a Profile, anywhere in Australia, if the Escort has My Playbox enabled, then the ‘My Playbox’ icon will appear on the Profile. Simply click the My Playbox icon and it will take you to the Escort’s Playbox page.


Q: How much will it cost me to be a Member?

Absolutely nothing. Subscription to the Website is absolutely free. There are absolutely no Fees to pay. There are no restrictions to any of the Services or to Advertisers.

Q: Can I pay an Escort through the Website?

Absolutely not. Escorts4U does not act as agent for Advertisers. You need to speak to the Advertiser to ascertain what are their payment options. A Profile will usually display payment options with an Advertiser.

Q: Are there any payments I need to make?

No. As a Viewer there are no charges to be a subscriber to the Website. Absolutely none.